Chiques Amber Moon
Purebred Nubian PN2225698
dob 3/15/2022
Sire - Chiques Mister Phrijj
Dam - Chiques MV Tourmaline
Paternal Grand Dam Chiques Mist Twist Royale appraised 91 VEEE in 2022
We sadly lost our sweet Amber in June 2024. She was the sweetest and most bubbly goat! We were so blessed to have had 2 wonderful years with her and her legacy lives on with her only daughter, Frogtown Cedars Andromeda.
Forever in our hearts, we love you Amber
Rising Sun Goats Buttercup (F4)
Mini Nubian doe 3/7/2019 MDGA #AMN10118
Sire ~ Buckhorn Run Dandy Don
Dam ~ Green Gabbles FF Hope of Triumph
Buttercup won Reserve Grand Champion in the MDGA Summer ‘21 Senior Doe under judge Lavinia Allen. Here is what Lavinia had to say about Buttercup:
“The Mini Nubian Reserve Grand Champion Senior Doe is Entry O from the 2 to 3 year old milking class. This is another lovely doe in her natural stance and in General Appearance she is wide throughout with good length of bone and sharp at the withers. Entry O also has good dairy wedges when viewed from the top and side in Dairy Character. In the Mammary System she has a globular udder that is high and wide in the escutcheon, good extension to the fore udder and good length to her teats.”
Buttercup freshened on 2/19/22 with quad doelings by R Farm Huckleberry Finn!! She is nursing all four beautifully. Buttercup earned her milk star with her first time on milk test in May 2022. We are so proud of this beautiful doe!
Milk test June 6, 2022: 7.6lb ~ Fat 4.4% ~ Protein 3.6%
TMGR Conformation Clinic 2022 Evaluator Comments: A really eye catching doe. I appreciate her overall shape and correctness. In general appearance she has a strong front end which blends smoothly at the top and good extension of brisket. She is walking on a strong set of feet and legs with good size and strength of pasturns. Her rump could be slightly more level from hips to pins but it has good width when viewed from behind. In dairy strength she is showing that lovely wedge shape overall. I appreciate the depth in the rear barrel and angularity. I would love to see more angle to the rear rib. She is strong in body capacity, being wide and deep. In mammary, her udder is secure in the fore and her capacity suggests she has a strong will to milk. Her teats are a little larger than ideal but still within range for someone hand milking. Her rear udder could be wider with more overall area of attachment but based on her other characteristics I suspect she has good texture and a strong will to milk. A very correct dairy animal overall.